Our Saturday Lineup --- DESIGNED TO SELL YOU
Personal and Career Development
Presented by: Image Development Network
AUTHOR: Debra Fox --- Corporate Trainer/Motivational Speaker
"Ladies...if you have not changed your outward appearance in the last three-five years, do not pass go...do not collect $200. You need to go immediately and get a make-over." Every day in my communication seminars I share this little piece of advice. Why you ask?
In my communication seminars, I talk about the three levels of communication --- Verbal, Vocal and Visual --- and how much each of these contribute to the credibility in your messages.
The Visual piece (anything that can be seen when someone is watching you communicate) accounts for 55% of your message credibility. WOW! This lends to the old statement "Actions speak louder than words". People ARE watching what you are saying.
We mostly assume that Visual communication is only body language (eye contact, posture, facial expressions, hand gestures, etc.). However, Visual also includes Appearance (wardrobe, how well you are put together, hairstyle, makeup, shoes, jewelry, weight, body art and piercings, etc.).
So...if you have not changed your outward appearance in 3-5 years, you may be telling people that you are not open to change...that you are not a risk taker...that you are not current or a trend-setter or up with times. This may affect your credibility when being considered for promotions and leadership opportunities.
Debra's Ditties: "What people see, is what they think they are getting."