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December 31, 2012 @ 1:00 PM

Focused on Time Managemernt and Organizational Skills

AUTHOR:  Lisa Ann Landry - IDG Trainer & Speaker

When it comes to managing your time think about the small things that you can do every day that will make a big difference down the line that’s what the Law of the Slight Edge is about. One of the best illustrations of this concept I ever heard is the racing's Triple Crown series for three-year-old quarter horse. Did you know there’s a $5 million bonus to any horse that can win all three races (The Kentucky Derby, The Preakness and The Belmont Stakes?) If one horse fails to win all three races, there’s still a $1 million bonus for the horse with ...


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December 30, 2012 @ 1:00 PM

Focused on Communication Issues, Skills and Techniques

This will be the first entry in our Sunday Programming entitled "Whose Line Is It Anyway."  Every Sunday we will discuss tips, techniques, and issues that are connected to the topic of Communication.

Earlier in the week, we talked about the three levels of communciation --- Verbal, Vocal and Visual.  This information was researched and documented by Dr. Albert Mehrabian in his book "Silent Messages." According to his research, when people listen to or watch you communicate they decide your credibility based on these three communication styles as follows:

Verbal --- 7% --- Words and Grammar.  7% of someone&...

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December 29, 2012 @ 4:41 PM

Our Saturday Lineup --- DESIGNED TO SELL YOU
Personal and Career Development

Presented by:  Image Development Network
AUTHOR:  Debra Fox --- Corporate Trainer/Motivational Speaker

"Ladies...if you have not changed your outward appearance in the last three-five years, do not pass go...do not collect $200.  You need to go immediately and get a make-over."  Every day in my communication seminars I share this little piece of advice.  Why you ask?

In my communication seminars, I talk about the three levels of communication --- Verbal, Vocal and Visual --- and how much each of these contribute to the credibility in your messages.

The Visual piece (anything that can be seen when someone is watching you ...

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December 29, 2012 @ 4:40 PM

Our Friday Lineup -- PIMP MY RIDE
Stress Reduction and Personal Development Series

Presented by Image Development Network

Author:  Debra Fox --- Corporate Trainer/Motivational Speaker

I've always believed that because I work from home and have some control over my career direction, that I did not carry as much stress as others might.  But that was before Vacation!

I just returned from my week vacation in Las Vegas, with some interesting thoughts going through my head.  I landed at home, got in my car, and I looked like the scene out of Jerry Maguire where Tom Cruise lands his first client as a new agency, gets in the car, rolls down the window and blares the tunes.

I haven't felt like this in a while -- ready to...

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December 27, 2012 @ 2:15 PM

Image Development Network Presents The Thursday Lineup -- MANAGER 911

BY:  Debra Fox --- Corporate Trainer/Motivational Speaker

If you manage people, you have certainly uttered the words "I feel like nothing more than a glorified babysitter!"  I hear that statement from managers every time I conduct a management training -- and in many cases it can be justified.

Let's explore what that means.  Have you ever hired an actual babysitter?  If so, what do you think they do at your house while you are gone for the evening?  Talk on the phone --- eat your food --- rent PPV movies --- go through your closets --- invite friends over -- and if you're really lucky they might check on the kids a couple of ...

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