January 5, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Personal and Career Development

AUTHOR:  Lisa Ann Landry -- IDG Trainer/Speaker (Social Media Subject Matter Expert)

Remember when you sent your children off to their first day of kindergarten? Just like your parents, you sent your kids with all kinds of rules – “Come right home!,” “I'm picking you up so stay at the front of the building,” “Do what your teacher says.” - You get my drift. For small business owners, entrepreneurs, professional speakers, & consultants who are new to social media, ''SMART" rules apply, just as they did when sending your kids off to school for the first time.

Here are the “SMART'' Guidelines for using Social Media:

  • S - Strategize about what goals you want to accomplish when using social platforms.
  • M - Manage your time and use tools to assist you in creating and scheduling content
  • A - Add value in the social space with your content and interactions
  • R - Remember 'The law of Reciprocity’ is very important to your Social Media success
  • T Treat the social space as a place that makes you visible GLOBALLY - 24/7

Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing each of the SMART Social Media strategies in detail.I hope you will tune in each week and share it with your friends.

In the meantime, what are some of the SMART rules and guidelines you would recommend to newbies for using social media?