January 6, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

Focused on Communication Issues, Skills and Techniques

AUTHOR:  Debra Fox, Corporate Trainer/Speaker

Two genders...four generations...four personalities and countless cultures in the workplace today. AAAARRRGHHH

If you're not investing time learning how to talk their language, you may be wasting your breath trying to communication your messages.  Let me explain what I mean...in the case of Personality differences, let's use this demonstration.

If you live in Germany...you speak German.  If you go to Rome for a vacation, they speak Italian.  Let's assume for this exercise that each only speak their own language.  Would it take you a while to find the hotel??  Of course!  Why?  Because you have a language barrier.

So if you KNEW you were going to a country where no one could understand you, how many of you would get a translation guide, learn enough of the language to ask the important questions, and/or find an app for that?  ALL OF YOU!!  Because it just makes sense!

When working with other people in the workplace, its like stepping into a foreign country every time you step into their office.  And if you haven't learned how to talk THEIR language, you could have a language barrier that prevents you from building rapport and getting what you need.

Below is a VLOG of a training I conducted on Personality profiling.  Take a listen and let me know how this might help you in communicating with others!